Just a quick reminder that today is your last chance to enter my giveaway!! I will be double checking the list tonight and picking my winner at 8 pm (central time) I will announce the winner shortly after that! So this is what I was doing yesterday...

My husband and I got together at my sister's house with all my brothers and sisters and their spouses and had a big ol' Packer party!!
And unless you live under a rock ~ our team is goin' to the SUPER BOWL!!! We almost took the roof of my sister's house when they won!! Oh, that Aaron Rogers is such a hottie!!

So today and tomorrow, I will be listing some more things on Etsy (like this beautiful Victorian greeting card that I scanned) and playing catch up around the house. Speaking of that scanning thing, I really need to get some good advice on scanning things and posting them to my blog, cuz they always turn out kinda funny when I try it! Any takers on giving me some help on this?
So, hurry up and get your name entered for my giveaway and I'll be picking your name later tonight!! Have a great day everyone!!