It seems like everything I've listed on Etsy lately that has even the smallest amount of rust was snatched up right away!
These keys sold in about 15 minutes!!
I must say they were pretty cute!
These chippy, crusty hinges sold pretty fast too!
Notice a common theme here?
Notice a common theme here?
scratched and beat up...
crusty and rusty...
and aged to a perfect patina!
Every item pictured, but the scale are items I've sold recently on Etsy. The common element is that worn look us junk lovers, hunters and sellers are drawn to.
Every item pictured, but the scale are items I've sold recently on Etsy. The common element is that worn look us junk lovers, hunters and sellers are drawn to.
The lust for rust is the tie that binds us junkers together!
Am linking this post to the Vintage Inspiration Friday linky party over at Common Ground.
Join in the fun at Debra's blog and see what all the others are sharing this week!