*****Vintage Finds for Home and Garden*****

Monday, March 29, 2010


I recently found 10 vintage rosaries and I thought I'd offer what I think are the 5 prettiest ones!! These are up for grabs on a first come first serve basis...
I hope these pictures do them justice~~They really are quite lovely!!!
#1: This one is an irredescent blue with a lovely silver crucifix and a oval shaped medal featuring Mary. It is 23" long.


sorry for the blur!

#2: This one is my favorite! It is the prettiest shade of sky blue with a silver crucifix and a rectangular shaped medal. It is 22" long.


#3: This one is the smallest-16" but still sweet and has a gorgeous beveled edge crucifix.


This one has bright blue almost striped like a marble beads. Again a silver crucifix and the medal is of Mother and Child. This one is 18" long.


I only have one picture of this black one. The beads are irredescent and the crucifix is black with a silver edge. Round medal of Mary. It is 19" long.


Feel free to shoot me an email if you are interested. I will hang on to these for one week. Then I will take them to my space at the antique mall.
I know many of you out there make jewelry
and I think these would be great for that ... or to pray on too!!


Have a good week--the next time you hear from me I will be a GRANDMA!!! My daughter is scheduled for a c-section on Good Friday (baby is breach)!! Until then.....

Thursday, March 25, 2010


The weather was perfect and we had a steady crowd all evening!!
Took a few minutes to take some pictures of my spring vignettes before we opened the doors~~~

So much work goes into preparing for our events at the Red Rooster, that it is so rewarding when there is a good steady flow of people all night and most of all good sales!!

Now I just need to catch up at home!*!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

More DAN-dy stuff!!

In my last post I mentioned that I frequently buy from a guy named Dan. Well he came through for me again with some more great stuff!! This is a picture of my van after my last visit to his house! He and his wife are cleaning out a super-old house with awesome junk!!!
The shabby rocker has the most perfectly aged shade of cream and green paint---YUMMY!!
The large laundry basket in the back is awesome too~~I'm filling it with springy branches for the open house!
Great selection of vintage pots and birdhouses!!

I love this gorgeous mirror--just the right amount of age to the silver!!

This was the best he had to offer that day~~~The most wonderful selection of vintage Valentines that I've ever found!!!! I love all of them!!

Isn't she a sweetie?!?

He just called me again this morning~~~has a box of old rosaries and a ton of linens!!!
I better get going-Ican't wait to see what he has for me!!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010


I haven't really been out much lately to find anything new but I have picked up a few things. I have been buying from a man I've known for several years now. He and his wife do estate clean-outs...not as glorious as it may sound because they have to take the good, the bad, and the ugly! Dan also is my Mr. Fix-it for the bigger jobs I can't handle and my builder too--very handy to have around since my hubs is often too busy on the farm!! Often times he comes up with some good stuff!! Like this great celluloid silverware...

Got all this wonderful pearl cotton from Goodwill!! Creamy white and pastels...very springy!!

Vintage cookbooks~~~I love all the handwritten notes and little extra pieces of paper you often find in these!!! So personal and charming!! I bought these from Dan also as well as a load of cute cookie cutters...
Another Goodwill find~~~future pincushion!

I have been pincushion crazy lately-basically anything with a hole in it!!!

My first Etsy purchase!!! And I am hooked!!!

Gorgeous vintage photo album with the most fabulous pages!

It almost seems sinful to alter these pages~~~

A couple bottle projects---these were kinda fun!

Our spring open house is this coming Weds. so the next few days will be crazy busy!! I have all these ideas swimming around in my head waiting to get out!! I hope the weather cooperates and we have a good turn out~~will try and take lots of pictures once I get everything just right!*!*!

Have a wonderful weekend!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


My name is Julie...and I'm a "junkaholic"
There was no "light bulb moment" or sudden revelation with this admission. I've known for years that I have a serious addiction to junk!!
I hunt for it, dig for it, lug it, accumulate it, repurpose and resurrect it. Sometimes I set it free to a good home or greedily hoarde it for myself. I've had cuts, bruises, sprained fingers, and aching muscles because of it.

My heart races with anticipation when I pull up to an estate or garage sale...when I wait in line to get my number at an auction...or when I walk through the gate at a flea market!

Some people would read this and say "you have a serious problem"!! But they just don't get it! I'm comforted by the thought that I'm not alone. All my kindred spirits can relate to this feeling of which I speak. I want no drug and there is no cure---Just a good JUNK FIX!! It puts peace in my mind and contentment in my soul knowing that I'm doing what I love!!!

Junk...it does a body good!!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010


In trying to keep myself busy lately, have been focusing on trying new projects and using up stufff that I have accumulated over the years~~and stuff that I've recently found too!
Like this iron trivet~~made a cute backdrop for this collage.

This pincushion was made in a sugar bowl that I got as a birthday gift from my friend--so it may be a "keeper"!

...sad this bible verse turned out so blurry, but it says "increase our faith"...

Sewing collage in an old hanky box. The old newspaper I've been using is so old it's almost "crispy"--so delicate I have to handle it with care!

I had this beautiful platter for sale at the store for the longest time. It hadn't sold, maybe 'coz it has a little chip? So I thought it would be an excellent surface to be altered!

Used one of my little coin purses I recently found (not the expensive one!)
I thought this turned out quite nicely!

I also had this nice window out in my garage just waiting to be turned into something, then I had this idea.......

It's not done yet--all pics need to be spray glued down. Then I want to put some old hooks on the bottom and hang it with some old wire. I want to get this done before our open house on the 24th. I work best under pressure~~~

Then...my darling thoughtful husband brought me these one day....

I told him I was looking for some nests from last year still on the branch to decorate at the open house. So while he was out driving around the farm one day he found a bunch for me!!! So we hopped in the truck together and brought 'em all home! How romantic is that?!?

I put a little flower bunch in this one~~speaks spring to me!!

I continue to be inspired by others out there who are generous enough to share their ideas with us...I am truly grateful! I hope I can return the favor too!

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