*****Vintage Finds for Home and Garden*****

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Cupboard Re-arranging!

I've been trying to get my house back in order this week and have been playing "musical cupboards"!! The cupboard that I had in my dining room didn't fit in the spot in my kitchen that I was saving it for. So I did some major re-arranging (again) in my craft room and took one cupboard out that I wasn't crazy about and put my stepback from the dining room in there!! And I really love the way it looks in there!!! I've filled it with my vintage garden collectibles and also added some little touches of Christmas!
This cupboard is much more roomy than the old one...

plenty of room for all my stuff!!

old clocks and sand shovels...just for fun!

seed boxes and sweet little watering cans. I have several more children's watering cans, which I will work in after Christmas is over.

The little gold clock doesn't work, but I still think it's sweet anyway!

Added some bitty Christmas ornaments to my little wheelbarrow!

Found these darling little angels at a sale recently~marked Germany on the bottom. LOVE them!

Set this bottle brush tree inside an unusual flower frog then added my tiny repro sheep as added Christmas adornments!

The last of the really hard work of my kitchen remodel is over as of today!! My friend, my husband and I finally went and brought home my antique cupboard from the antique store that has been storing it for me for almost a year!! It's a big, heavy whopper and it took the 3 of us to get it into my dining room!!! Have been spending the better part of this afternoon filling it up with all my treasures ~ and I am in major LOVE with it!!!

I know I'm being stubborn, but I don't want to share pics of my new kitchen just yet--not until it is completely done!!! I ordered a new table and chairs and they won't be delivered for a bit yet!

But, I may be convinced to share pics of my new cupboard!! So stay tuned and see what develops!!! Thanks for your patience with me as we get to the end of this huge undertaking...we're almost there!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Little changes and something to share!

Just wanted to let my followers know that I've made a few changes to my blog regarding my comments section. I have decided to get rid of the word verification, since so many of you find that annoying (and so do I!!) And I have also changed who can leave me comments...I am now allowing anyone to comment--anonymous followers, people who don't have a blog or a google account should all be able to leave me a comment!! I have had a few people email me and tell me they weren't able to leave me a comment and I think I figured it all out now!!
I'd like to thank Vicki from Rusty Rooster Vintage for leading me in the right direction with all of this!! She made a mention of a link in her wonderful blog of where you can go to get advice on making your blog more "user friendly"!! And so I followed her advice and want to thank her for that ~ Thanks sweet Vicki!! Check out her blog when you get a chance! She is fairly new to the blogging world but has come on like gangbusters and has over 200 followers already!! Way to go Vicki!!! I also wanted to share a cool website I've found that has wonderful vintage clip-art images that you can use in your artwork and for your blog. Go to Vintageholidaycrafts.com - that's where my beautiful Thanksgiving image is from!!! Enjoy!

Monday, November 15, 2010

~End of the Year Sale~

The garage and estate sales have been winding down in our area and once in awhile I can catch an auction or indoor sale. Over the last few years, I have gotten to know a lady that does estate sales for others or does complete estate buy-outs. She gave me a call the other day and told me I could come and buy early before the sale she is having the following week!! LUCKY ME!!! The most fun part of this deal is the fact that she didn't have things out of the boxes or priced yet! After about an hour and a half of digging, I came home with some wonderful goodies!!!
I bought a big tub of beautiful silver and these are the best pieces!
I love the embossed designs inside these large ladles!

Got the cute little chair for $3!! Has cute little cherub decals on the back.

I "married" this transferware lid to this white chamber pot ~ I think they go well together!! This silver plate pot has been repaired several times, but I think it only adds to it's already wonderful patina!!

China pieces, cute little clock and a cloche ~ just in time for a quick Christmas vignette!!

I also bought 8 canning jars of buttons!!

Mostly metal ones, but I feel some pretty jewelry projects comin' on!!!

I'm a sucker for children's readers--the illustrations are always so charming!

Since my house is a total disaster right now, I'm having a hard time finding an empty spot to take some pictures! So I decided to just set the bigger stuff outside my van!

The turquoise cabinet is to die for!! Perfect state of wear to the paint ~ Love it!!!!!
There were 2 of the little blue stools, but only hauled one out. Also got 2 lovely mirrors, a large suitcase and this cute white youth chair!

It makes me a little sad that winter is setting in and will be putting an end to alot of my junking!
Hopefully this load will last me for a little while!

I guess if I need a fix, I can always haunt the thrift stores!
Happy junkin' to all!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Farewell White Kitchen!!

I haven't participated in White Wednesday in a long time, so I thought I would share some pictures I took of my kitchen in its former state of whiteness!We are deep in the midst of a major kitchen remodel if you aren't a regular follower of mine! We have been living in a mess for about a week and a half, but we're making progress slowly but surely!!
When we built our house 30 years ago my kitchen cabinets were very dark and about 15 yrs ago I decided to paint them white. It was quite a job, but well worth it as it really lightened things up !! This kitchen has had some decorative face lifts over the years and was still rather pretty. But these pictures do not show all the daily wear and tear of 3 kids and a few dogs over the last 30 years!!

This penninsula is now gone and will be replaced with a free standing island!

This is the current state of affairs--ain't it purty???
The color you see near the ceiling is my new paint color. I call it "sandy mustard"!!!
The floor is in really bad shape and I can't wait to have it GONE!! They will be tearing it out on Friday!!

I will admit that I'm going to miss my pretty red wall just a little, but it was time for a change!

The china hutch is staying, but is being moved to a different wall and will be replaced by a bigger cupboard that I bought last Dec. with this remodel in mind!! The antique store owners are friends of mine (thank GOD) and have been dear enough to hold it for me all this time! But it was just perfect for this spot and as they say "best time to buy an antique is when you see it!"

Edge of the dining room looking into the living room.

The hall to the left goes to the bedrooms and bathroom.

My new cabinets are being delivered tomorrow and will go in next week after they tear out the old floor. Things will be looking very different real soon and I can't wait to share it with all of you!! So stay tuned!

I am linking up with Faded Charm for White Wedneday as I bid a fond farewell to my white kitchen...it has seen alot of happiness and tears in this home of ours!!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Pictures Retrieved!!!

I thought I had lost my pictures from our open house forever! My memory card was full when I took these, so I had the idea that maybe they would be in the camera's internal memory and yep-there they were!!!!!!! I make at least 6 of these ornament wreaths every year and usually sell them all! I have alot of fun with them ~ the pastel ones being my favorites! {sold my dress form that night too!!}
Sorry they're a little dark, but these were taken in the late afternoon shadows.

You can see that my room at the Red Rooster is fairly large - probably about 3-4 mall booth spaces! Keeps me busy filling it up! {try to ignore the lovely furnace vents!!}

So glad I managed to save these!! Hope you enjoyed them as much as I enjoyed putting all these vignettes together!!

Friday, November 5, 2010

WHAT A WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did anyone out there miss me?!? I sure missed you!! This has been such a crazy, busy week that I don't know where to begin! After recuperating from my last antique show, I had to dig in to my kitchen remodel project and empty out all my cabinets ~ what a job that was!!! My kitchen was completely gutted last Friday and I now have a stove and frig, but no countertops to cook on -- awww shucks!! Then our Christmas open house was this past Weds. evening and I was wrapped up in prep for that too!!! But it all turned out great in the end and thanks to my buddy Jeanine from Chippy Shabby who saved the day for me and let me "steal" her pics from her blog since I didn't get any of my own!!!! This was my favorite vignette in my room, and Jeanine nabbed these sweet little windows! Check out her blog and see what other goodies she came home with!!
I don't think the store has ever looked so pretty & I'm sad I didn't get some pictures. Oh well, the story of my life I guess!!!

We had an amazing turnout with a very steady flow all night which makes all the hard work worthwhile!!

Another scene from my room with a glimpse at the mob of people--I'll admit it was quite a rush!!

Here's a shot of me and the owner's daughter, Kate busy as little bees behind the check-out!!
Thanks once again to Jeanine for helping me out with these pictures! I almost cried when I turned my camera on and saw mine weren't there!!!!

So, please forgive my lack of posts, but my life was spinning out of control there for awhile! I will keep you posted on the kitchen project. We are at a standstill waiting for the plumber right now--kinda frustrating I will admit, but I'm trying to be patient. After all, I've waited 30 years for this!!

It's good to be back!!!

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